The continued death and destruction are pointless. In a war of attrition, the US sock puppet at the end of a long, long arm of supply will lose to the bear at the door of his den.

There are no reinforcements coming from Kursk. Little or none of the arms and men expended in a fundamentally silly adventure there will ever return to the Ukraine. Brits are capable of heroic and stoic defense, but no military historian would let them plan an offensive.

This conflict was decided a year ago, if not before. It is tragedy enough that men should die for love of country and their countrymen. It is outrage that they should die for the pique of fools.

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The outrage is the imperialist aggression of the war criminal putin and his many lackeys.

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When Bush decided in 2008 to push NATO closer to Moscow than Atlanta is to DC, Putin carefully explained that Russia would not and could not tolerate that level of NATO aggression.

He’s been trying to avoid war ever since. According to Angela Merkel, the 2015 Minsk agreements were negotiated in bad faith by the West, intended only to give NATO time to arm and train Ukraine. The CIA’s wind-up Nazi thugs certainly had no intention of behaving rationally toward their own Russian-speaking civilians in the Donbas, killing over 14,000 of them in the 8 years following Biden’s and Nuland’s idiotic Maidan coup in 2014. Putin made a final effort to negotiate peace in December 2021, with an offer Ukraine can never dream of seeing again. Because the cumulative brain power of our entire government could not contrive to sell a solar ice maker in the Sahara, we rejected that too, stupidly confident that our freshly armed nazi proxy state could destroy Russia, and our vulture capitalists could feast on its choice bits.

Their confidence was, to say the least, misplaced. Europe’s Most Corrupt Government has swallowed billions in arms and armaments and consistently failed to realize what kind of war they are fighting. Oh, they know now: now that it’s a lost one.

Putin was the most pro-western gangster in the whole Russian oligarchy until we rejected his final attempts at making the Minsk agreements work in late 2021.

What was he supposed to do? Roll Russia over for us and hold her down? If Russian hardliners had their way, Kyiv would be glowing in the dark tonight. Be grateful that Putin restrains them.

The troops and arms Zelenskyy sent into Kursk are boxed and being methodically destroyed. The Kursk move was as foolish as when an over-matched boxer spits his mouth guard at his opponent in frustration: he accomplishes nothing but getting his teeth knocked in for it.

I would have said nothing could lower the morale of the abandoned troops hanging on to the eastern front any further, but Zelenskyy found a way. Pokrovsk is doomed, and with it AFU logistics east of the Dneiper. This war is over, but the fighting goes pointlessly on and on. Wishful thinking and math collide.

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Every eastern European state begged to join NATO since 1991.

The KGB took over the Kremlin, partnered with White Russians and organised crime to re-establish authoritarian feudalism under thirty years of Tsar Putin.

"been trying to avoid war ever since", like in Africa, Chechnya, Georgia, Syria, and Ukraine?

Nobody wants to be in the Russian empire. Forget the U.S. weapons. Ukrainians will fight with sticks if they have to.

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Which skirts weakling Baltic leaders preferred to hide behind is not germane to NATO’s long term strategic interests vis-a-vis a state bristling with more nuclear arms than even our hog wild militarism has managed to hoard.

Of course Yeltsin the drunk was the west’s choice for presiding over the dissolution of the Russian Federation in the 90s. Too bad that didn’t work out. Ugly as they are, Russia’s oligarchs are Russian to the bone marrow, and watching her raped by the oh so righteous west made their pupils twitch.

Russia’s pitiful third hand attempts to forestall AfriCom aggression don’t really rate, friend, and Georgia, slated for NATO at the same 2008 conference as the Ukraine, is subject to the same Russian existential concerns, carefully voiced in advance and disregarded by a west that would vomit nukes in every direction at a tenth of the provocation. Syria, excuse me, Evil Dictator Assad, last week’s bad guy, asked for Russian military help. The US, uninvited and unwelcome, still hunkers snarling over Syria’s northeastern oil fields. Who’s an evil empire? Chechnya is the reason Russia tried so hard so long to stay the hell out of the Ukraine. Sure wish we’d learned as much from Afghanistan. Or Iraq. Or any of a number of other miserable f*ckups from the past 74 years.

I sure don’t want to be in the Russian empire. I wish our foreign policy was less moronic. My wishes, and those of the American public, seem to matter less and less over time. Wonder why?

Ukraine has lost. This stupid, destructive idiocy is going to end. Let it end before the death throes of Zelenskyy and crew succeed in setting the world on fire.

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Thanks for explanation President P. Good chuckle over that attempt. Skilful but don’t put it forward for your thesis except at Moscow Uni.

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Wow, omg, I’m zapped! You make critical analysis look so easy, damn.

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Well because it’s not easy Alan. It requires a firm foundation of historical knowledge (based on verifiable facts). Then application of that into coherent analysis and interpretation. Furthermore you stray into what is ‘Applied History’. This takes the past and tries to apply that to the future. It is hardest thing for historians to try their hand at and most don’t because you tend to look stupid when you get it wrong. History informs not predicts. The best that can be done is to look to the past and see the present contextual situation better and policy choices that leaders may be considering. At the high level you find people are good at this. Kotkin and Freedman spring to mind. So while you think the war is a foregone conclusion, you are getting to that conclusion by the wrong route, even if you were right about its outcome. Better to just look at the current situation and understand its context. Basically look, learn and consider. The rest is just IMHO stuff. Not well informed clear eyed judgements. I was impressed by the effort you put into commenting on a fairly factual explanatory piece but then over reached. Some of which l suspect was influenced by certain historians who hold those viewpoints but are challenged on those and have been consistently proven wrong on important aspects of their thinking. Some also make personal gain from holding contrary views and exploit the less informed public. You are also parroting Russian propaganda at times, which hardly helps. Be more circumspect and careful if you seek a more enlightened viewpoint. It’s damn hard to do and l struggle with it. On the other hand just keep writing your opinions and reasoning but accept that to some audiences you neither convince and actually look like something you aspire not to be.

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So, that explains why you answered my arguments with name-calling instead of presenting an alternate view.

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And the alternative is give up their freedom?

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Ukraine is held hostage by a gang of right-sector ultra-nationalists controlled by the US. They are hardly free. Free to be press ganged into the trenches is about all

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We've all been enjoying U.S. freedom since 1945. It's pretty nice. Probably you are enjoying it too? I don't want to swap it for Chinese, North Korean, or Russian "freedom".

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Iraq, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Nicaragua, Cuba, Iran, Chile and many other countries have experienced US "freedom" none enjoyed it very much, Ukraine is just the latest US recipient of "freedom"... so far they have even cancelled their "elections...

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Freedom to be sold off to Blackrock and Soros in partitions? Freedom to be permanently enslaved to western financial cartels through an all-too-familiar vulture fund capture?

Soon, the west’s moronic attempt to break Russia into nice juicy pieces will succumb to Russia’s boa constrictor calculus. Then what’s left of the Ukraine will be free to choose between permanent and enforceable neutrality or be subject to an occupation that no one, despite the evidence-free hyperventilation, wants.

Russia would rather wear a hornet nest for a hat than occupy western Ukraine, and rightly so; it would be like the Chechen debacle on crack, and it would Never End. They want their Russians in Crimea and the Donbas safe, they want their southern ports open and unmolested, and they wish to hell the western corporate interests who ate America had had the sense to leave Ukraine free of all this unnecessary destruction and death.

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You’re dealing with Russian Tankies here luv. As Darth Putin says they are morons. If real (if) none are academically gifted and are conspiratorially inclined over opinionated and short on facts and analytical coherence. Frontline did a good explanation summary adding context.

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You’re a hoot, Vern. Very smart to realize the only unanswerable argument is the one you never make. Slurs and name-calling are the stuff real opinions are made of, ain’t that right, Vern?

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You make many unanswerable arguments Alan. They reflect your world view. I don’t live in that world and possibly you might not either but it comforts you and l will not attempt to disabuse you of it. Just don’t be surprised if that ‘view’ proves less than deterministic of outcomes. Best wishes.

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You are a propaganda parrot. You do not have opinions, you have cult beliefs. That’s why you’re terrified of anyone constructing an argument from facts and observation. Yes, you are. It shows in the name-calling and the slurs. That middle school behavior is the first response of those who can’t deal with a rational thread.

I was not expecting the good questions and responses I got on this thread, and I was honored to give the best answers I could to each serious response. You are not serious, you’re an ass.

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Thank you.

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Obviously, Ukraine should let russia advance on a narrow front and then cut the salient.

But perhaps they remain committed to static linear defense, without maneuver?

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I have to admit, I am quite disappointed with Russians not pulling troops from the Donbas front in order to reinforce the Kursk front.

Now, Ukraine seems quite committed to widening the incursion in Kursk, and reaching the border to Belarus?

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Brother, imo the corporate media’s rah rah war booster ‘reporting’ on Kursk has devolved from its usual misrepresentation into a species of outright fantasy.

Certainly Russia was surprised by the attack; they tend to be rational forward planners over there, and the Kursk invasion had no whiff of either.

Following a very effective initial EW suppression of Russian communications and reconnaissance, Russia’s introduction of fiber optically controlled drones has turned Kursk’s roads into barricades made of destroyed western armor. Those crack battalions stolen from the defense in the east are not going anywhere, least of all home.

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