Excellent summary. Your analysis supports the view that Ukraine could prevail in a long war of attrition, provided US support remained firm.

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I always appreciate your team's efforts. It looks like you counted Russian equipment as far as 5 km behind Russian lines, too. Looking at Andrew Perpetua's map, he listed about 20 more vehicles as destroyed as far as 20 km behind Russian lines, plus more damaged.

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Appreciate all the work you put in to this, it's a valuable public resource. I do have a question about some of the vehicle claims though.

What's the deal with #34 and #35? You're sure those are Russian vehicles? Are you saying that Russian assaults made it as far as Berdychi, or actually even west of the village itself? I haven't seen any reports they made it there, other than from Rybar at the very beginning of the operation in October (standard lies). Certainly deepstate and other more reliable maps have never had even the eastern edge of the village in the grey zone. Was there a brief incursion into the village or something? That would be a little alarming if so.

You alluded to Berdychi in this report (or possibly the first one), saying that the Russians weren't successful there. If that's the case then how did two of their vehicles end up west of the village? Also in the zoomed in photo of #34 the vehicle appears to be on a road (though it's hard to be certain from the low resolution), when that location is a field without even a farm track. At least that's how it appears in Google Earth images from 2021.

Is it possible those are Ukrainian vehicles? Or Russian vehicles that were moved by Ukrainian forces? The latter seems quite unlikely, since you said you only identified vehicles you could confirm were destroyed with some certainty.

If I'm missing some important information here please let me know.

Thanks for your hard work on this report.

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Leon, you are right - some images were incorrectly added, and some geolocations were also wrong, because we messed up drafts and final images, but we are correcting those tonight, and re-uploading the final slides instead

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We have just uploaded the correct ones, thank you for your comment

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